

Stash it or trash it?

What do you do with old magazines? Trash 'em.

You keep telling yourself you're going to look at them. You're lying. It's not realistic to think you can read every article. Holding onto them is causing more distress than not having read them. Any publication becomes obsolete when the new one arrives. Rule of thumb on reading: Give weeklies 1 month and monthlies 3 months. Here's another tip, keep a pair of scissors handy when you tidy up your old mag, cut out the articles to keep before trashing the mag.


what happen to the old page? trahsed too?
uhh.. i was kinda surprised too, i guess it's a fiery 2006 weblog circle for us this time..hehee..
uhh.. i was kinda surprised too, i guess it's a fiery 2006 weblog circle for us this time..hehee..
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